Nationwide September 29-30 March

Washington DC: 25,000 People, San Francsico: 10,000 People, Los Angeles: 2,000 People, New York: 700 People, Quebec City: 500 People, Hayward: 900 People, Chicago, Ohio, Toronto, Poland, Amsterdam, Austria, Madison....

Also: Check This Excellent IMC S29 Report



We have been keeping a running tab of the numbers of anti-war protestors mobilizing in the hundreds of autonomous actions to stop the war in cities
throughout the world. This information is absolutely vital in terms of building momentum among peace activists and spreading the word about our demands and growing numbers through the corporate media. We went to tell our "leaders" loud and clear that we will accept no more innocent victims!

Congratulations to organizers in Rome, Napoli and Washington, D.C,

Since September 11, we have counted 182 antiwar actions.. Protest actions have been held in 40 different countries aprox. around the globe. This weekend we have counted 116 actions.

These figures underestimate the actual number protestors due to demonstrations we have missed, and our numbers are surely growing. As the
massive military buildup continues, more and more people are taking the streets!

As the U.S. and other governments continue spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion through loaded polls and bellicose rhetoric, we
are showing them what real democracy looks like in the streets! People Say No to the War!!

No More Innocent Victims, No More State Violence, No More Racist Attacks against Arab and Muslim Peoples! Preserve our Civil Liberties! Justice Yes,
War of Revenge No!!

If you have any new information about recent or upcoming anti-war protests, please send a message to:

Many thanks to everyone who has help to make possible this report, especially to and

Rise Up and Resist the Growing War Machine!!



Activists dropped an anti-violence banner in Dupont Circle Wednesday morning (DC IMC, September 26)

Wage Peace Now Banner Drop in Denver (Rocky Mountain IMC, Sep 23, 2001)

Anti-Capitalist Convergence Issues New Call to Action Web:


DC Peace Center and AFSC Plans for Massive Peace March Sept 30


For Additonal Information:

Mobilization for Global Justice:
Independent Media Center:
Common Dreams

S29-30: Some of Cities Mobilize Against the War

September 29
Liverpool, Bradford, Atenas, Texas, Berkeley, Bradford, Burlington, Calgary, Darwin, Denver, Demy, Dublin, Isle of wight, Keene, Lübeck, Liverpool, London, Los Angeles, Lucerna, Montclair, Montpellier, New York, Northampton, Paris, Plymouth, Providence, Rio de Janeiro, Salt Lake City, Salzburg, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Santa Rosa, Sao Paolo, Soanton, Seattle, Sioux Fells, Saint Louis, Sydney, Toronto, Toulouse, Vancouver, Victoria, Washington DC, Chicago….

September 30
Amsterdam, Brighton, Caims, Columbia, Durham, Ginebra, Melbourne, Middletown, Quebec, Oakland, Portland, Porto, Rockland, Washington DC, Caims, Canton, Leipzig, Wollangang, Osuckbruck, Concord, Damask, Nümberg, New York, Albany, Brussels….


This weekend hundres of thousands of protestors from around the world will mobilize to say NO to the war. The call to action from from the North American social movements that had planned to gather these days in Washington to protest against the current model of globalization. After the dramatic events of September 11 and the reaction of the government of the United States and its allies, they have decided to rally instead around the theme, "NO to the war, NO to racism." The organizers of the protest have also called on social movements around the world to mobilize every day they can, but especially this weekend. And the response has been global; many mobilizations have already been carried out with an extremely successful level of participation: 10,000 in Athens, 5,000 in Berlin and 4,000 in San Francisco. But the majority of cities, following the call from Washington, have waited to carry out their big action this weekend, and we are hoping for a huge climax of peace mobilizations. Between today and Sunday, we have already counter 80 demonstrations in many of the most important cities around the world.

In the face of the media campaign in the United States, the criminalization of the peace demonstrations, which are being called "anti-American," and given the feared repression that might happen, especially in Washington this weekend, we want to declare that:
- The calls for these actions are coming from hundreds of platforms including both networks of resistance to neoliberal globalization and the traditional peace movement.
- These calls to action have a large trajectory of demands that have received support from a large part of the population. The latest example is the social support given to the demonstrations in Genova, as shown by all the polls in various European countries.
- As with the all of the them, the convenors of the demonstrations in Washington, coming from throughout the United States, have a great deal of experience and legitimacy in carrying out peaceful mobilizations in defense of human rights; and we are worried about the well being of the participants in these mobilizations.
- We ask that all of these demonstrations, because of the tremendous importance of the issue they are defending and because of their size, receive fair, wide and profound media coverage, both in Catalunya and internationally.

Barcelona, 9-28-2001
Stop the War Platform


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