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Reference Documents on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

UN General Assembly Resolution 194 (III)
11 December 1948

"Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible"

Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (4th Geneva Convention)
entry into force 21 October 1950

"The Convention shall [...] apply to all cases of partial or total occupation [...]"

UN Security Council Resolution 242
22 November 1967

"Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war"
"Affirms that the fulfilment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the [...] Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict [...]"

UN Security Council Resolution 1322
7 October 2000

"Deplores the provocation carried out at Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Jerusalem [ ...]"
"Condemns acts of violence, especially the exc


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